Friday, April 17, 2009

3-1 Weekly Analysis: Twitter

Tweet? Oh, I thought you said, “Sweet.” I recently learned what a "Tweet" is and what Twitter is and what this new craze (at least new to me) is all about. To tell you how up to date I am about electronic communications, I viewed a face book page about four weeks ago for the first time. I listened intently to my co-worker as he explained what face book is all about. I heard of face book but I thought it was a communication hub for young people. Now we have Twitter. I heard about this recently because Ashton Kutcher was officially crowned “King of Twitter” by Oprah Winfrey, who also became a fledgling twitter-er(?) herself. As has been reported by the media, Kutcher accepted his crown the night before when he beat CNN in the race to be the first with 1 million Twitter followers. In honor of his win, Kutcher has agreed to donate 10,000 mosquito nets in time for World Malaria Day. No, you didn’t just get punked he really has recorded over a million Twitter followers and he did make the pledge, a gracious act for someone with an impressive, one million “Tweets” from his tweet-heart followers.

Now that Kutcher has made become a true success story and has finally made his mark Oprah couldn’t be up-staged on this very important day, so she, too featured her own Twitter extravaganza on her TV show, using the same endorsement platform for her book of the month club or whatever she calls it. Twitter Co-founder Biz Stone said in an interview, “that while the lag was an unforeseen eventuality, he added that Twitter wasn’t originally imagined as the sort of social network where anyone would acquire 1 million followers (Popkin, 2009).” Stone was referring to Kutcher’s success in achieving the 1 million mark and a lag is a delay in service one experiences when dealing with internet connected electronics. After feeling the success, Ashton is now set to tour America, landing his first prime time appearance on none other than the Oprah show. Kutcher will visit Oprah's talk show to discuss the historic 1 million Twitter followers he’s established, beating the Twitter account of CNN. Poor CNN, they get beat by every cable news organization and now they get beat by Ashton Kutcher on Twitter. According to news reports, Oprah is also set to tweet her first 140 characters on live television. Set your DVR's to record history everyone!

Popkins, H. (2009) MSNBC. Retrieved April 17, 2009, from,

1 comment:

  1. Great topic for popular culture. It is an interesting thing, it can be an important communication tool in some circumstances but mostly a distraction for fans to follow their favorite celebrity, movie star, sports hero, etc. doing and commenting on what ever comes to mind. (Do some people have too much time to fill?)
